1.     Course Description

Many managers assume that finance is an affair of the accounts department but the fact of the matter is most managerial roles necessarily involves understanding financial jargon and all functional managers should be knowledgeable enough in finance so that their domain decisions are not financially unwise or uneconomical. This course focuses mostly on the three important decision that firms take and the theory and practices related to them.

2.     Learning Outcomes

•     Learn about risk and return and the capital asset pricing model

•     Compute the cost of capital of a firm

•     Understand the optimal capital structure of a firm

•     Learn how firms arrive at a payout policy to their shareholders

3.     Pedagogy

•     Online lectures, discussions and problem solving (Please come to the class with a calculator capable of computing exp, nth root etc functions.)

4.     Suggested Reference

•     Corporate Finance by Ivo Welch (Hereafter Referred to as CF); will be uploaded separately

Session Details

This course focuses mostly on the investment decisions of a firm and takes you through the financial decision-making aspects using the accounting information. The following will be the tentative flow of topics: